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Legal information


Capital Stock : 44 081 866€  
552 012 585 R.C.S. Nanterre

Company headquarters

Liberty Tower
17 place des Reflets
CS 30300
92097 Paris La Défense Cedex

Tél : +33 (0)1 40 90 36 00

Hosting service provider

Immeuble "Le Clémenceau II" 215 Avenue Georges Clémenceau - 92024 Nanterre Cedex.

Terms and conditions

SGD S.A. shall not be liable for the content of the information published on the website or for any direct of indirect consequences produced by reason of the utilization or interpretation of the content.

Intellectual property
The website is a creation work exclusively belonging to SGD S.A., protected by both French and international legislation about intellectual property. Any reproduction or representation shall not be made in contravention with the rights of SGD S.A. according to the above-mentioned legislations.
SGD S.A. shall not be liable for the hyperlinks existing in the website to the other websites.

The setting up of hyperlinks by a third part, to pages and documents diffused on this website, is allowed in the respect of the interests of SGD S.A., and if it guarantees the possibility for users to identify the origin and author of the document.
The hyperlinks existing in the website to the other websites will not bring suit to the responsibility of SGD S.A.

Jurisdiction and applicable law
The present general conditions are governed by French Law. If no agreement is reached in an amicable way, all disputes arising in connection with the present general conditions shall be exclusively settled by the Courts of Nanterre.

General Conditions of Sale & General Purchasing Terms


 Conditions générales de vente

 General conditions of Sale


 General purchasing terms

 Conditions générales d'achat


 Allgemeine Einkaufsbedingungen

 Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen

 General conditions of sale

 General purchasing terms



 General conditions of sale


 General purchasing terms

Hong Kong

 General conditions of sale

 Personal information collection statement


 General purchasing terms