Our vision and strategy
We leverage continuous improvements
SGD Pharma is a leader in the glass pharmaceutical primary packaging industry and is positioned as a premium player.
Our strategy is to defend and reinforce our leadership positions in molded glass vials. We will grow in high value segments, by concentrating our efforts in :
- Quality of our products
- Service to our customers
- Innovation in both products and processes
- Delivering an ambitious sustainability roadmap

At SGD Pharma, we are committed to conducting our business in a sustainable and ethical manner. Our top priority is to accelerate the decarbonization of the products we deliver to our customers.

SGD Pharma contributes to satisfying our customers as well as to supporting sustainable development with a focus on three main axes :
Our people
As an industrial company, our top priority is the health and safety of our employees, a topic for which we have deployed a full system of policies, tools and processes. We also values individual development in our people.
Health & SafetyCareer management & training Social dialogue & Diversity
of plants are certified ISO 45001
hours of training per employee
of women in management positions

Our business values
We believe the way we conduct our business and build our relationships with all our stakeholders must be in line with the highest possible standards and must foster sustainable and ethical practices and principles within our value chain and our sphere of influence. As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, it is our duty is to share our commitment to the 10 principles and promote them both internally and externally.
Quality of ServiceBusiness Ethics PolicySustainable Procurement
products recalled
of critical suppliers have signed our Business Code of Conduct and Ethics
100 %
of critical suppliers having CSR clauses in their contracts
Our environmental impact
We have set clear long-term objectives for minimizing environmental impact by reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, as well as optimizing water use, waste management and resource efficiency.
Energy Consumption and GHG EmissionsReuse, Waste and WaterLocal & Accidental Pollution Prevention
emissions in 2030 vs 2020
emissions in 2040 vs 2020
committed to Science Based Target initiative