Can you tell us a bit about your background ?
After graduating as a chemical engineer in Mumbai University, I started my career as a quality consultant for various companies in the chemical and glass sectors including Onaway Glass and Nipro Tube Glass Containers where I stayed for 10 years covering various roles.
What is your role at SGD Pharma India ?
I joined SGD Pharma India in 2013 where I now supervise all glass conversion operations, the R&D department and all projects related to the plant. My main responsibility is to achieve the best quality for our products through regular benchmarks.
Are there any specific achievements at SGD Pharma India that you are proud and/or something you particularly like in SGD Pharma’s working environment ?
Increasing the glass vials’ neutrality by improving the forming process was a major challenge and I’m really happy we achieved it. I also worked on energy consumption’s reduction that we lowered of 30% by changing the utilities’ configuration and improving the OEE.
Great leadership, clear goals and senior management’s support on key projects are elements that I appreciate at SGD Pharma. They bring indeed a sense of confidence that encourages us in our work on a day to day basis but also in the long run.