Can you sum up your experience and tell us about your current role at SDP Asia Pacific ?
I have over 30 years’ experience in the glass manufacturing industry and I joined the SGD AP in early 1980s. As you can imagine, I held different positions at SGD (worker, hot end technician, hot end Manager…) before being promoted Productivity Manager in 2011, my current position.
I strengthen my expertise also by spending some time at various SGD’s plants in Asia, Europe and USA to improve my skills and learn everything about the bottle manufacturing process !
Currently, ’m in charge of the Productivity Department. My main responsibility is to assist the R&D department to develop the new bare glass bottles but, most importantly, I’m responsible to improve the production’s performance. Besides, I am also in charge of the glass bottle sampling, finding suitable solutions to the daily troubleshooting for major defects and of strategic planning.
Are there specific achievements you are proud of since you joined?
When I worked in the Hot End as a Manager, we were faced with a challenge linked to a strategic decision to shift from drinking bottles to healthcare and infusion bottles to focus our activity on the pharmaceutical industry. I had to lead my team to overcome many technical challenges and ensure the successful production of all these new products including a full sampling.
In 2015, I took the responsibility to set up new machines in order to get the production line ready to be used as soon as possible.