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Navigating Sustainability Challenges in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Insights on Glass Packaging and Regulatory Changes

In a recent roundtable hosted by Pharma's Almanac, Olivier Rousseau, the Chief Executive Officer of SGD Pharma, shared his valuable perspectives on the latest developments within the pharmaceutical industry. In the face of today's challenges, Mr Rousseau, suggested how pharmaceutical glass packaging can help pharma companies navigate a renewed drive for sustainability.

Mr. Rousseau discussed the significant challenges faced by the pharma industry in recent years. In 2023, the escalating cost of raw materials greatly inflated supply chain expenses for drug manufacturers which highlight the importance of innovation and sustainable investments within the industry. Glass manufacturers, specifically, faced pressure to accelerate their energy-efficient investments, as glass manufacturing is energy-intensive.

According to Mr. Rousseau, the upcoming Draft Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation in the EU is a crucial step towards sustainability in the pharmaceutical industry. This regulation urges pharmaceutical companies to adopt eco-conscious packaging solutions. This shift not only ensures compliance but also aligns businesses with consumer expectations for environmentally responsible practices.


‘The inherent properties of glass offer a multitude of benefits for companies looking for a sustainable packaging option for their pharmaceutical products.’


Glass is infinitely recyclable, reducing environmental impact and the need for new raw materials. Its inert nature keeps pharmaceutical products uncontaminated during storage and transport. Additionally, glass packaging's durability often surpasses its contents, reducing waste generation. The new regulation in 2024 will further encourage the adoption of eco-friendly packaging options.


As a leader in the pharmaceutical sector, SGD Pharma recognizes the need to stay ahead of regulatory changes and industry trends. We are committed to adopting eco-conscious packaging strategies, ensuring compliance with regulations, and contributing to a healthier and more sustainable future.

To read the full content and gain further insights from Olivier Rousseau, please visit  What do you see as the most significant regulatory decision or guidance on the horizon for 2024 (or beyond)? (