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Gespeichert von AdmNC am Mon, 24.06.2019 - 00:00

 Pierre-Michel joined the company in 2016 as the Director of the Human Resources and internal communication.

Prior to joinging SGD Pharma, he spent 8 years with the Alstom group, first as VP HR/Organization Development & Learning then as HR Leader for various businesses (train services, power automation & control…). In 2015/2016, he managed the integration of his business unit within General Electric.
Before moving to HR, Pierre-Michel has been a Director at CapGemini Consulting, helping large companies in the telecom, life science, and manufacturing sectors manage their growth and transformation initiatives. He started his career in the automotive industry with BMW.

Pierre-Michel holds a business degree from ISC Paris and an MBA from HEC.


Chief Human Resources Officer

Image portrait
Pierre-Michel Bataillard