Can you tell us a bit more about your background and what you did before your current role at SGD Pharma?
After I graduated in China in Mechanic and in Project Management in France, I started working in a French company based in China in the eyeglass sector as Sales Technical Support.
I joined SGD Pharma in 2010 in charge of quality and decoration development. I was given, a year later, an additional responsibility and became Decoration Manager and, in 2012, was promoted New Product Development Manager. In 2015 I became R&D Director since our strategy in Asia shifted towards more innovation. Since this year I am also Commercial Director for the Asia Pacific region.
How would you describe your current job and your different responsibilities?
As SGD Pharma Commercial Director, I am in charge of developing the whole Asia Pacific region. I manage a sales team of 28 employees including sales, marketing and administrative staff and we have a network of agents and distributors across 15 countries in the vast market of Asia. We operate in three different markets - pharmaceutical, beauty and health care - and each market has a dedicated sales team. To allow me to dedicate myself fully towards this activity, a new R&D Manager will take over this role after a phase of well-managed transition.
Is there something specific (projects, assignments, challenges) that you achieved and are particularly proud of since you joined the company?
I am fortunate to have had many exciting challenges since I joined SGD Pharma. I’m particularly proud of the New Product Development department’s creation which became our R&D department. The diversity of countries and markets coupled with an ambitious Business Plan will need high flexibility, agility and faculty of adaptation. I am proud to have been chosen as the Commercial Director for the Asia Pacific zone.
Is there something particularly that you appreciate in your work and/or working environment?
I appreciate to work with my team and also with my manager who supported my confidence and helped me to improve and grow professionally and personally.